By pre-ordering the Field Marshal Edition prior to February 18th, you will be able to access the exclusive pre-order beta which will be running for 48 hours from February 18th to February 20th.Play Panzer Corps 2 before everyone else by pre-ordering the Field Marshal Edition!

Fied Marshal Edition exclusive bonus materials

-First two DLCs: The Field Marshal Edition includes the first two DLCs for Panzer Corps 2, Axis Operations: Spanish Civil War and Axis Operations: 1939. Buying the first two DLCs through the Field Marshal Edition allows you to have priority access to them one week before their release.
-New Bonus scenarios: 4 brand new scenarios in which you can test your mettle against the AI. Face new, original situations and adapt your tactics to overcome your opponents.
-New Camo skins: New 75 exclusive skins are available for your vehicles. In Panzer Corps 2 you can customize the appearance of your units, and with the General Edition you have access to special skins which aren’t accessible in the base game.
-Digital printable Campaign tree chart: A beautiful hi-res printable artwork depicting the branching single player Wehrmacht campaign in Panzer Corps 2, and which choices you can take.
-Digital Wallpapers: 4 Hi-res desktop sized digital wallpapers depicting new Panzer Corps inspired artwork.
-Digital Soundtrack: 16 beautiful tracks composed by the talented Bill Meyers, Dan Bewick and Alexander Shargin, inspired by classic movies on World War II. Available for download as high quality .mp3 files.


General Edition exclusive bonus materials

-New Bonus scenarios: 4 brand new scenarios in which you can test your mettle against the AI. Face new, original situations and adapt your tactics to overcome your opponents.
-New Camo skins: New 75 exclusive skins are available for your vehicles. In Panzer Corps 2 you can customize the appearance of your units, and with the General Edition you have access to special skins which aren’t accessible in the base game.
-Digital printable Campaign tree chart: A beautiful hi-res printable artwork depicting the branching single player Wehrmacht campaign in Panzer Corps 2, and which choices you can take.
-Digital Wallpapers: 4 Hi-res desktop sized digital wallpapers depicting new Panzer Corps inspired artwork.
-Digital Soundtrack: 16 beautiful tracks composed by the talented Bill Meyers, Dan Bewick and Alexander Shargin, inspired by classic movies on World War II. Available for download as high quality .mp3 files.















操作系统:64-bit Windows 8/10 (the game runs on Windows 7 but no support will be provided)
处理器:Intel or AMD, Dual Core or better (Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system)
内存:8 GB RAM
显卡:nVidia or AMD, 2GB VRAM
DirectX 版本:11
存储空间:需要 12 GB 可用空间
声卡:DirectX compatible sound device推荐配置:
操作系统:64-bit Windows 8/10 (the game runs on Windows 7 but no support will be provided)
处理器:Intel or AMD, Dual Core or better (Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system)
内存:8 GB RAM
显卡:nVidia or AMD, 4GB of VRAM
DirectX 版本:11
存储空间:需要 12 GB 可用空间
声卡:DirectX compatible sound device

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